Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm stressed out and I need a donut

The past couple weeks I've been a bit of a wreck. My finance class is really hard and it's not going well. I do not take bad grades lying down. I take bad grades lying awake at night with nightmares about the Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

It's been interesting to see how school has impacted my life. I now believe that there are different kinds of stress. I felt a specific stress while I planned my wedding. School stress leads me to have nightmares and be a little high-strung, where the only way to calm me down is a box of donut holes (thank you husband).

Mainly I complain a lot and want everyone's pity. I always think I will never survive, I will never sleep again, I will never be happy again. But the sun has start to come out, and I'm not worrying quite so much anymore. Now I just need to worry about losing that donut weight.

1 comment:

beckmarsh said...

I hear you loud and clear, my sister. I react in much the same way + occasional, unpredictable torrents of tears.