Friday, March 13, 2009

How to throw a wig party

So I'm having a wig party tomorrow night. Everyone must have a wig to get through the door. Then we'll play rock band. I am looking for some suggestions on what to serve. Powdered wig donuts?

Meanwhile, I happened across this tip sheet on

How to throw a wig party

  • Determine how you will include the wigs. You must begin thinking about how you are going to incorporate the wigs into your party or activity early in the event planning stage. Ask yourself the following questions:

    Will I provide the wigs or will I ask guests to bring their own?
    Will I offer any prizes or awards for the best wig worn at the wig party?

  • Let people know wigs are a must. Make it extremely clear in your invitations that wigs are mandatory at your wig party. Nothing kills the vibe at a wig party like anything less than 100% wig wearing participation.

  • Organize your party or event just like you would any other normal event. The beauty of the wig party is that it is so simple but it adds a lot of fun and it tends to take a normal party to another level of fun.

  • Stir up some excitement. A few days before the wig party, email or share some good photos of either yourself the host in a great wig or some other good photo of people in wigs to get the excitement brewing.

  • Throw the wig party. Be sure to answer the door as the host wearing your wig and keep your wig on at all times during the event. A host's commitment to the wig theme is crucial in building and sustaining the level of fun that is possible during a wig party.

1 comment:

beckmarsh said...

So did you wear your wig at all times in order to avoid ruining the party completely? And which wig?